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Photo of Maria Lasalete Marques Venezuela

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Maria Marques Lasalete

The daughter of immigrants, Portuguese, born in Caracas, Venezuela on December 25, 1961. Bachelor of Science, Technical and Contador. For 3 years I was in charge of the Coordination of Mary Immaculate College Banda Show. I currently live in Holland in the city of Hilversum. I love the world of poetry and photography, I made MediaShow audiovisual material. Mother of two sons and a...

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Maria Marques Lasalete

The daughter of immigrants, Portuguese, born in Caracas, Venezuela on December 25, 1961. Bachelor of Science, Technical and Contador. For 3 years I was in charge of the Coordination of Mary Immaculate College Banda Show. I currently live in Holland in the city of Hilversum. I love the world of poetry and photography, I made MediaShow audiovisual material. Mother of two sons and a proud grandmother. My environment has always been that anyone could want, dreamy cream, and someone who loves the gray from the center as I can see my side of the white and gray in life but in my eyes I can appreciate the intensity of colors that open like a rainbow.

I think things that limit us and the hopes and dreams thwarted by others, let's just teaching our only happiness depends on ourselves. And along with us who want to be just this. This has been my greatest lesson in life.

I believe that life is made up of experiences, lessons and more especially of challenges that we assume and we must conclude. Someone who believes in love, in the full extent of the word.


Writers belonging to the Group representing Venezuela World


Belonging to the World Network of Spanish-speaking writers http://www.redescritoresespa.com/

Several Literary Blogs:

  1. A unfinished story http://www.dolcevitta61.blogspot.com/
  2. The Rub of Love http://www.dolcevitta61-1.blogspot.com/
  3. After the reflexes of Agua http://www.dolcevitta611.blogspot.com/
  4. Golden Age ... The Magic of Home http://www.dolcevitta612.blogspot.com/
  5. Reborn in the Dead http://dolcevitta61-renaciendo.blogspot.com/
  6. Perspectives on the Horizon http://dolcevitta61-miradasenelhorizonte.blogspot.com/
  7. Magic Window http://dolcevitta61-ventanadeamor.blogspot.com/
  8. Art Galery Dolcevitta http://dolcevittaartgalery.blogspot.com/
  9. Perspectives on the Horizon http://dolcevitta61-miradasenelhorizonte.blogspot.com/
  10. Between You and Me http://entretyyo.blogspot.com/
  11. Cantos de Amor a la Luna http://cantosdeamoralaluna.blogspot.com/
  12. Dreams on your skin http://sobretupiel.blogspot.com/
  13. Hissing murmuring voices are made ??http://dolcevitta61-entremurmullos.blogspot.com/
  14. Letters silenced in Time http://dolcevitta61-cartaseneltiempo.blogspot.com/
  15. Looking at the world from your eyes http://mirandoelmundodesdetusojos.blogspot.com/
  16. Hand of God http://las-manos-de-dios.blogspot.com/

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